4 Secrets to Asking for a Raise and Getting It

by Catapult Leaders 

How to Ask for a Raise - Catapult Leaders

Do you work hard? Do you deserve a raise? Most people would answer, ‘yes’ to both of these questions. Everyone wants to earn more than they currently do. However, if you ask these same people if they have actually asked their boss for a raise, you will likely find that they haven’t asked for the raise they say they deserve.

It can be really hard to ask the big man to pay you more money, even if you deserve it and you can defend it. But with the right tools, the process of asking for a raise can be made much easier. Here are the first 4 steps you need to follow to ask for and get that raise!

1. Take on more responsibility. It is easier to ask for a raise when you know you are already doing more work than you are supposed to. When you let your boss know that you are already performing more than your job description and you mention it as part of the reason that you think you deserve a raise, it is harder for your boss to deny you that raise. You are showing your boss that you are capable of handling more responsibilities. And, naturally, a raise comes with more responsibility.

2. Choose when you ask carefully. Timing is everything: Knowing when to ask for a raise is as important as actually asking for the raise. Remember that your boss is not a robot; he or she is human just like you. As much as bosses shouldn’t allow their mood to affect their decision-making, it can and does. So, do not ask your boss for a raise when you know he or she is having a rough day. Whenever possible, request a raise when you know that your boss is in a fantastic mood.

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3. Be excellent. Most raises are directly tied to how well you have performed since your last salary increase. If enough time has passed since your salary was reviewed based on your company’s salary policies, and you have been doing an excellent job, then be bold and ask for a raise. Make sure you can cite examples of your outstanding performance if asked. No one will reward you for a job done poorly. In addition, your boss is busy and may not remember all of your accomplishments without a reminder from you.

4. Get familiar with your company’s raise and budget cycles. Most companies do reviews annually and then they give raises to the employees who have earned them all on the same timing. Whatever system your company uses, study it and understand it so you know when to have the conversation with your boss about your performance and desired salary increase. Initiate the conversation with your boss one or two months before your evaluation so your boss knows what your expectations are in advance.


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