What’s Your Religion? No. Not That “Religion”
Hello Friend!
What’s Your Religion?
And by “Religion” I mean, what’s your primary source of advice/info?
For some, their “Religion” is the internet. (Few things scream “train-wreak” more than the person who seeks validation for personal decisions from a source on the internet.)
For some, their “Religion” is a friend. (Ignorant friends are a proverb.)
For some, their “Religion” is what they hear in the news. (Having a microphone does not make what is said correct or the best advice for you.)
For some, their political party is their “Religion.” (!?&#!% – I’ll just leave this right here.)
There are many other “Religions” out there.
Choose your Religion, very carefully.
Some are so blinded by their “Religion” that they refuse to accept Great advice/info that is counter to what their “Religion” tells them to believe. Sad, but very true.
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I do know that the Religion you choose determines the info/advice you take in and rely upon.
I do know that the info/advice you take in and rely upon determines the decisions you make.
I do know that the decisions you make determine the quality of the life you live, your level of professional achievements, and your level of personal success.
I also know that in virtually every endeavor, Winning is about the info/advice you take in and the decisions you choose to make based on that info/advice.
All that said, let’s focus.
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Winning at the Game of Life is all about:
1) Where you choose to get your information/advice. (Your Religion.)
2) How well you verify the information/advice you take in.
3) How well you act upon the advice/info you take in.
4) How good you are at separating Great info/advice from Good info/advice from Not Good info/advice from Not Relevant info/advice.
5) How quickly you act on the advice/info you receive. (Timing is important.)
6) Whether you believe that the path to success comes from solo thinking, acting alone… or from the collective wisdom of a proven team.
Contrary to what the media says and what we see in James Bond and Mission Impossible films, solo thinking and acting alone – in the main – yield disappointments, sooner or later.
7) Whether you seek out advice from proven-to-be almost-always-correct sources, or not. Most seek advice from a mirror — those who they know will agree with their point of view.
These mirror-seekers would rather “be right” than “get it right.” The irony is that the desire to “be right” instead of “get it right” almost always leads to the wrong decision/conclusion.
8) Whether you are arrogant, or not. Arrogance tends to attract and accept bad advice.
9) The percentage of your decisions that are Great vs Good vs Not Good.
The happiest, most successful people I’ve observed run at about 95%+ of the decisions they make being Good or Great. Basically – they don’t do much self-inflicted damage — which is key.
For most people – even those who seem successful from the outside – less than 65% of the decisions they make are Good and fewer than 2% are Great. That means that for most people, about 33% of their decisions – 1 out of every 3 – are bad…meaning they are self-inflicted & self-defeating. That’s like taking two steps forward and then one back every day or your life.
Having 30% or more of your decisions be self-inflicted & self-defeating is like running a race with a heavy, iron ball that you chained to one of your legs. You’d be unlikely to win the race. You certainly won’t do your best.
In life, self-inflicted & self-defeating decision-making results in frustration, massive disappointment, confusion, and outright failure.
The truth: Not Good decisions often are the result of taking in Not Good advice.
Most people (even those who may seem to be the most naturally talented) do not reach their potential in whatever they’re doing because they habitually take in Not Good advice.
Sometimes people have the habit of taking in Not Good advice because…
They only accept advice that fits what they want to hear.
(I previously mentioned “mirror-seekers.”)
This habit is very difficult to break. It is very destructive and causes otherwise talented people to squander time, opportunities, relationships…
Long Story, (somewhat) Short(er):
1) Seek to verify each decision you make as being the very best decision you can make, at that time, given the validated info that you have.
2) Form your “mastermind” of successful people who have a track record of making great decisions and who collectively know more than you know or see things a bit differently than you.
Then, seek out their perspective. Make sure these are people who have your best interests at heart.
3) Surround yourself with positive people. They’re out there. Find them.
Negative people in your group are the kiss of death & regrets. Get rid of them. I’ve said it many times:
“Nothing is made better by negativity.”
4) Regarding your decision-making: Seek to “get it right” as opposed to “being right.”
5) Get your advice from whomever has the best advice. Don’t let stupid pride or who the other person is – or that they don’t look like you – stop you from getting the best advice/info for you.
6) Being humble comes before the acquisition of knowledge and wisdom. Act accordingly.
It’s been ever true:
“We each make decisions.
But, in the end, our decisions make us.”
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Click Here to get your free subscription to Talented the Newsletter from Catapult Leaders that’s all about getting your dream job, keeping your great job, interviewing like a pro, writing great resumes, dealing with workplace stress, getting promoted, negotiating for more money, thriving while being “the only” or “one of the few” like you in your workplace, managing bosses, knowing when it’s time to move to a better job…and more!
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One more thing:
“In life, you don’t get what’s fair,
you don’t get what’s good,
you don’t get what’s nice,
you don’t get what you deserve,
you don’t get what you wish for,
and – you do not get what you need.
In life, my friend, you get what you do. Period.
Make the person in the mirror (that’s you!) do the right things and you will win at the game of life.”
The Best is Yet to Come. Enjoy Life!
Darryl L. Mobley
CEO – Catapult Leaders
Life & Executive Coach