10 Questions Black College Students Have About Getting a Job in Corporate America. Answered! with host Darryl L. Mobley and guest Dwain Celistan
This Catapult Leaders podcast episode #5 is a blockbuster as it details executive recruiter Dwain Celistan’s answers to “10 Questions Black College Students Have About Getting a Job in Corporate America.” This episode will help you get a fabulous job in Corporate America and succeed, and much more. Dwain answers host Darryl L. Mobley’s questions about:
- What the best companies provide
- The importance of training
- What employers look for most, when they’re hiring for entry level jobs
- How he decided the industry he wanted to be in after graduation
- The one or two most impactful ‘things’ that helped him get that first great job
- What makes the first job out of college a good fit
- The mistakes he made when he was in college and looking for his first job
- The 1 or 2 things he would change about his preparation for the first job he took after college, if he could go back in time and change
- The importance of the geographic location of that first job
- The one big thing he wishes he had known when he started that first job out of college, that he did not know
- The one big mindset shift that he believes to be key to having a successful career in Corporate America
- How he dealt with being one of the very few Black managers in the company he joined
- What he looks for when hiring a college graduate
- plus, The pros and the cons of your skin color
- plus, The 3 things college graduates must do as new employees on the job
- plus, What Dwain said that scared Darryl
- plus, How to stand out while on the job
- plus, What “on time” means
- plus, The importance of “preparation”
- plus, The shocking thing Dwain’s first boss told him that he remembers to this day
1. Students! Apply to Catapult Leaders HERE
2. Click HERE to learn Why Black College Graduates Make Companies Better
3. Looking for talented Black college students who will help your company soar? Click HERE
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