We Get Questions! “Why Should My Company Work with an Executive Search firm – like Catapult Leaders – that Specializes in Sourcing Diverse Talent?”
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Welcome to the Catapult Leaders podcast – where we discuss winning with talent acquisition, talent retention, diversity, and inclusion. We’re all about Straight talk, No sugar-coating, and Progress.
Hello Friend, I’m Darryl Mobley.
Today’s topic is one you’ll find interesting. It’s about the value of very specialized executive search companies.
But first!
Catapult Leaders is America’s leading executive search firm that sources Black Mid-to-Senior level managers, Early Career talent, and College Interns for Engineering, Supply Chain, Computer & Data Science, and Marketing roles – with top companies that value a diverse pipeline, equity, and inclusion.
Alright – Let’s get started!
Very recently, I had a request via Calendly from a prospective Fortune 100 client to have a Zoom meeting with the company’s talent acquisition team and key senior managers.
If you’ve ever requested a meeting with me via Calendly – you know that one of the questions I ask on the Calendly form as you are selecting your meeting time is, “What are your Key Goals for the meeting?”
This prospective talent acquisition client – who, spoiler alert, became a client after our meeting – said that their key goal was for me to share with their management team the reasons why they should work with an executive search firm – like Catapult Leaders – that specializes in sourcing diverse talent.
Here’s the answer to their question just as I told them during the Zoom meeting:
“There are 12 Reasons why your company should work with an Executive Search Firm that specializes in Sourcing Diverse Talent so you really increase the number of diverse candidates you interview and fill your pipeline with diverse talent.”
Did you know that the hiring pool is more diverse than ever before?
Only 56% of the millennial job-seeking population is white, compared to 72% in the previous generation!
Why does diversity matter when hiring?
- Profitability: gender diverse companies experience 21% more profitability than non-diverse competitors
- Outperforming competitors: diverse companies outperform non-diverse competitors by 35%
- Diverse companies experience 3x more cash flow than non-diverse competitors
While it’s true that the job candidate pool is more diverse than ever, (we hear from many talent acquisition folks that) your company may be experiencing difficulty in hiring diverse candidates – which is why a specialized recruiting firm can help.
Here are the 12 reasons why your company should work with an executive search firm that specializes in diverse talent allowing you to increase your company’s pipeline of outstanding diverse talent:
#1. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Most hiring managers don’t know all the non-standard job boards and locations to find diverse candidates.
There are countless additional locations where job postings can attract candidates from minority groups, including local and nationwide organizations, community groups, groups within universities, specialty boards, and so much more.
Because these are very niche – and there are very many – most talent acquisition and hiring managers aren’t familiar with all the options.
And who can blame them?
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#2. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Traditional executive recruiters don’t have broad and deep access to diverse talent.
However, the best specialized executive search companies have incredible databases filled with diverse talent.
For example – my firm, Catapult Leaders, has a huge database of more than 15,000 Black mid-to-senior level executives and early career managers who have subscribed to Catapult Leaders’ career advice newsletter.
#3. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Some people who manage your company’s hiring process may be prone to unconscious bias.
This unconscious bias can be personal bias or simply the bias that seeps into the company’s culture or talent acquisition process after years of sameness.
However, a true outsider – such as an executive recruiter – is able to bring candidates to the table without the bias.
#4. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Your company’s current staff is not diverse enough to make diverse talent feel welcomed.
Even if your talent acquisition or hiring manager is able to post on diverse-friendly job boards and/or activate a more diverse network of candidates through personal and professional connections, once the potential diverse hire is in the door (or during the interview process), there is potential that the company itself lacks an environment of diversity that the candidate feels is a good fit.
Hiring an executive search firm that specializes in diverse candidates signals to diverse candidates that, even if the current staff may not be incredibly diverse, the company is willing to put forth the effort (in time and resources) to cultivate a more diverse culture.
#5. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Your hiring process is not seen as authentic by prospects.
Said another way – authenticity leads to trust.
If you don’t have trust, it’s hard to imagine tons of outstanding talent rushing to your door.
#6. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
You may fear that your company doesn’t know how to communicate effectively with diverse candidates, or that you’ll “botch” the process.
To make sure you’re not offending or causing harm unintentionally, an executive recruiter who specializes in these areas can help you navigate diversity.
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Click Here to get your free subscription to Future, the Newsletter from Catapult Leaders that’s all about winning with diversity & inclusion.
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#7. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Your hiring manager (or staff) simply doesn’t have time.
Sometimes your talent acquisition/hiring manager is too swamped with other things – and outsourcing the sourcing of diverse talent is simply the best way to go if you want reliability, efficiency, and efficacy.
#8. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
You may feel that you’re not “up to date” with what’s relevant to diverse prospects, and how to accommodate accordingly.
Given the attention that diversity and inclusion have (thankfully) gained as of late, many employers are paralyzed with the fear that they will be offensive to diverse parties through the hiring process, and thus don’t know where to begin or how to do it “right.”
As a result, they end up simply not actively searching for diverse candidates at all! And, that just can’t happen.
#9. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
You still don’t understand the difference between diversity and inclusion.
You may be trying your best to understand diversity, inclusion, and how to cultivate both in your workplace.
But, if you’re not super comfortable with it yourself, this uncertainty may come across as you interview diverse job candidates – and, as a result, will likely drive them away
#10. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Perhaps, your senior leadership doesn’t “get it.”
Antiquated boards and C-suite executive groups may still believe that diversity isn’t that important – until they see resources dedicated to it. Resources in the form of an executive search firm that specializes in the target prospects.
If you’re a talent acquisition, hiring manager, or executive within the company that must answer to a larger board that doesn’t seem to take the importance of diversity seriously, proposing the idea of an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing outstanding diverse talent and explaining how diversity in the workplace can positively impact the business is a prime route for producing a diverse pipeline from top to bottom.
#11. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Your company has been trying to find diverse candidates, but has been unsuccessful.
Hiring an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent is truly hiring an expert in the field – one that doesn’t get paid unless the job is done!
#12. You need an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent because…
Your company wants to scale diversity quickly.
Diverse talent is what breeds innovation and creativity because everyone brings something different to the table.
But to attract diverse talent, you need to have diverse talent. Seems like a catch-22, right?
Innovating, creating, and improving your company’s bottom line can skyrocket with diversity – which is more easily achieved with an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent — than with internal candidate searches alone.
An executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent is one of the easiest ways to grow your pipeline of outstanding diverse talent, because recruiters who are experts targeting certain diverse groups have a more comprehensive understanding of:
- what interests diverse groups when seeking employment
- how to reach those diverse groups, and ultimately
- how to link the talent within those groups to the organizations seeking their talents!
That’s it. Twelve reasons why your company should work with an executive search firm that specializes in sourcing diverse talent so that you can really increase the number of diverse candidates you interview and hire.
Contact Us
If you’d like to set-up a meeting with us about your talent acquisition needs, please call us at 480-666-5525 or reach us using the Contact Us form on CatapultLeaders.com.
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Click Here to get your free subscription to Future, the Newsletter from Catapult Leaders that’s all about winning with diversity & inclusion.
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“Catapult Leaders is America’s leading executive search firm that sources Black Mid-to-Senior level managers, Early Career talent, and College Interns for Engineering, Supply Chain, Computer & Data Science, and Marketing roles – with top companies that value a diverse pipeline, equity, and inclusion.”