How to Recruit Talented, Black, New Hires: 5 Golden Rules

Welcome to 90 Seconds with Catapult Leaders

This is Darryl Mobley.

Catapult Leaders finds and matches outstanding Black undergrad, recent grad, and graduate students with great entry-level jobs & internships at great companies.

Why “90 Seconds”? Because it doesn’t take long to get it right.

We’re asked: How does my company recruit more Black talent?

Here are 5 Golden Rules to Recruit Diverse New Hires

CLICK HERE to HEAR this podcast.

If you have questions that you’d like Catapult Leaders to answer, or you want Catapult Leaders to find outstanding Black talent for your organization, use the Contact Us form.

1. Visit Catapult Leaders website
2. Click HERE to learn Why Black College Graduates Make Companies Better
3. Looking for high-achieving, Black college students who will help your company soar? Click HERE
4. Open Letter to America’s CEOsClick HERE

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