Click & Listen to Lee Jourdan, Chevron’s Chief Diversity Officer, on the Hot Seat on Catapult Leaders’ 5 Questions in 5 Minutes Podcast
This episode of the Catapult Leaders podcast features Lee Jourdan , Chevron’s Chief Diversity Officer, on the Diversity Wins! hot-seat answering 5 Questions in 5 Minutes from host Darryl L. Mobley. Season 3 / Episode 20.
The Objective: Broaden perspectives and share pathways to creating more diverse work spaces and equity of opportunity. Each episode of 5 Questions in 5 Minutes deals with tips, strategies, and hard-won wisdom regarding diversity and inclusion.
In this episode, Lee shares his answers to:
- What are the benefits of a more diverse and inclusive America?
- What is the biggest barrier to increasing diversity throughout the management pipeline?
- If you were King or Queen for a day – what is the one most important thing you would do to create more diverse talent at the entry-level manager positions?
- What should a CEO do – specifically – to make diversity happen in her or his organization?
- What one or two things should Black college students do to get jobs in Corporate America?
Lee and Darryl also discuss:
- “If leaders don’t set the tone from the top, nothing gets done.”
- The difference between Mentors and Sponsors.
- How measuring success based on lumping all groups under the “diversity” umbrella tends to lead to Black employees being under-represented.
- The role “transparency” plays in having a diverse management pipeline.
- And lots more!
1. Visit Catapult Leaders website
2. Click HERE to learn Why Black College Graduates Make Companies Better
3. Looking for high-achieving, Black college students who will help your company soar? Click HERE
4. Open Letter to America’s CEOs – Click HERE